The Necromother and the Influencer narrates the birth of a cult during the funeral of a streamer/ porn actress whose channel gives make up tips inspired by David Hume’s Enquiry on the Human Understanding. The cultists, previous stans of the streamer, butcher their idol’s body, discover she was a pregnant with a (now dead) baby and proceed to declare war on causation.
To be published on Creeper #02 — Hyperstition (2021).
Like a Humean glitzwhore, she told us between moneyshots that the only thing that led mankind to connect the cause of an event to its effect was the assumption that things would repeat themselves.
The Nigerian whispered, her voice almost fading beneath the sounds of the server farm. “I think she wanted to decompose causation.”
Even the workers had now been altered and refused to leave the farm. They looked like lewd anime divas, all identical.